Today, I encourage you to join me on a new journey, one that will steer Madagascar towards triumphant horizons. Together, let's work to make our national anthem a lived reality: “Ty Nosindrazanay ity, Hiadana sy ho finaritra” — May our homeland thrive in joy.

« Tsy misy mafy tsy laitra ny zoto ». No challenge is too great for determination. It’s through this Malagasy proverb that I invite you to get to know me better, to understand my ethos, and to join me on this journey.


In another place, some 2500 years ago, the philosopher Lao-Tzu famously said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” No matter how formidable the task might seem, the crucial thing is the will to start. It’s in this manner that the most significant challenges are overcome, the grandest discoveries are made, and the most memorable journeys commence.


My own life has been a journey. I was born into modest beginnings, but today, I am a family man, a successful entrepreneur, an internationally recognized sports administrator, an active humanitarian advocate, and more than anything, a political leader.

I’ve ventured deep within myself, seeking out the intellectual, emotional, and physical strengths required to tackle challenges and triumph over them.

I’ve journeyed across our country, to understand it better and to connect with its people and to listen to their stories.

I’ve also been fortunate to travel extensively outside of Madagascar, gleaning insights on practices that can be adapted to our country while respecting its unique attributes.


From all these experiences, I’ve become steadfast in my belief that Madagascar deserves far better than its current predicament. My travels have instilled in me the importance of the mindset “Ny Malagasy Aloha” (Malagasy First), emphasizing that the interests and well-being of the Malagasy citizens should be at the heart of all governmental decisions and actions. This philosophy is rooted in the principles of Good Governance, Transparency, and Anti-corruption. It leans on four pillars: Sovereignty, Social Transformation, Territorial Development and Infrastructure, and Economic Transformation, with the cornerstone being the decentralization of decision-making, technical, and financial resources.


Every journey I’ve embarked upon has bestowed lessons and inspirations, shaping the man I am today. It’s this man I invite you to discover on this website, through brief summaries that provide glimpses into my journey and my dedication to various causes.


Today, I encourage you to join me on a new journey, one that will steer Madagascar towards triumphant horizons. Together, let’s work to make our national anthem a lived reality: “Ty Nosindrazanay ity, Hiadana sy ho finaritra” — May our homeland thrive in joy. Yet, two factors distinguish dreams from reality. The first is action, epitomized by our guiding principle “Kabary Arahana Asa” – words followed by deeds. The second is the embrace of responsibility, both at my level as a leader and at yours, in your respective spheres.


I am ready. But I cannot embark on this journey alone; it hinges on you as well. Will you stand beside me, as we collaboratively rebuild a Madagascar that becomes a rightful source of pride for all its children?